Homework for Thursday, NOVEMBER 21, 2013
Unit 4 , Vocabulary list , play games and learn the words (Spelling test is on Friday)
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Learn by heart one of these poems!
My pig won't let me watch TV.
It's totally unfair.
He watches anything he wants
but doesn't ever share.
I never get to watch cartoons
or anything like that.
He's busy watching farming shows.
I should have got a cat.
I should have got a goldfish
or a guinea pig or goat.
Instead, I've got this pig
who's always hogging the remote.
My dog lives on the sofa.That's where he wants to be.He likes to sit there night and dayand watch what's on TV.
He surfs the channels constantly
by chewing the remote,
then watches what he wants to watch;
I never get a vote.
He's fond of films with animals.
He takes in nature shows.
Whenever cat cartoons come on
he always watches those.