Friday, November 15, 2013

Today we have some new stars who worked hard and were active during the lesson:

Dima Onisko

Daniel Pokosenko

Nikita Finogenov

Sveta Bezmenova

Valera Grinenko




On Monday we are going to have a Spelling Test(Unit 3).So you can practice spelling and vocabulary tests right on Spelling City  site(open Vocabulary list in Unit 3 -Lesson Documents-Spelling City-Play a game!)

The second part of your homework is to practice your reading and listening skills.

Go to your LIBRARY,

Find  ELEC110 RC - Smrt Reading Comprehension

Unit 05: Products

 5-1 Robot Babysitters (Play audio. Read the text)

The best reader will get a present on Monday!!!

Watch this video about amazing inventors who are all kids!

And of course comment this video!!!

What would you like to invent in order to make people happier, our lives easier?


  1. I would like to invent a remote control that changes weather!!!!! I

  2. I would like to invent a remote control that changes month!!!

  3. I would like to invent a teleport that moves people or person from one place to another. It will save people's time!

  4. I would like to invent an anti-gravitation machine. It can help people fly by themselves. It will not be dangerous to jump in the air anymore.I would also include gravitation boots in my invention so that people could land safely.

  5. I would like to invent a hot-rater.It can to kip hot food.

  6. I would like to invent a jet-pack.Jet-pack help people fle.It was more funny.

  7. I would like to invent time machine, because I always wanted to go to future!..

  8. I would like to invent a teleport to make a traveling easier.

  9. I would like to invent a magic box where you can find everything you want

  10. I would like to invent magic pills to extend people's lives.

  11. I would like to invent robot Internnet

  12. I would like to invent flying cars.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. i would like to portals so people do not late

  15. I would like to invent fly car. This car dont afraid traffic jam.

  16. I would like to invent fly skateboard.

  17. I would like to invent a school where there is no homework.
