Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Homework for Thursday

Learn the words and their meaning!Spelling Test
smartSomeone who is smart can understand many things.
creativeSomeone who is creative can think of many good ideas and use their imagination.
curiousSomeone who is curious asks many questions and always wants to know more.
imaginativeSomeone who is imaginative has a good imagination and thinks of interesting ideas.
unusualSomeone who is unusual is not like most people. An unusual person is special and different.
skillskill is something you can do well. For example, if you have writing skills, you can write well.
talentA talent is something that you can do very well. People often have talents in music, sports, math, science and so on.
geniusgenius is someone who is very smart.
focusedSomeone who is focused does not get distracted. A focused person will work hard on what they are doing.
role modelrole model is a person who is a good example for others to follow. Inventors can be very good role models!

 designer is an artist. A designer draws new ideas. A designercan design many things, like houses, clothes, even gardens.
 An engineer is a person who uses science and math to design things and make them work. An engineer can work with many things, like buildings, cars, machines and computers.
 An architect is a person who designs things that are built. Anarchitect makes the ideas for how a something looks. Anarchitect can design many things, like bridges and buildings.
 scientist is a person who works with science. A scientiststudies how things work. These things can be animals, people, machines, even things in space!
 When you are sick, the doctor will try to find out what is making you sick and try to make you better. Some doctors are called veterinarians, and they are special animal doctors!
 When you go to school, your teacher helps you learn.
 When you eat at a restaurant or even at home, the cook is the person who makes the food. Who is the cook in your home?
 An author is a writer. An author can write many things, like books, magazines, websites, even scripts for movies and TV shows.
 builder builds things. A builder can make many things, like buildings, bridges, toys, even machines.
 An entrepreneur is a person who has their own business. Anentrepreneur can be a person who owns a store, or a person who invents something and makes it to sell to others.


  1. I like this video, because is funny this one

  2. Cool videos. Good inventions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
