Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday, February 20, 2015

Test!(on Wednesday and Friday)


3-1 What is Space?
3-2 What are Moons and Stars?
3-3 What is a Planet?
3-4 What is an Astronaut?
3-5 What is an Asteroid?
3-6 What is the Space Station?


3-1 All About Space
3-2 Moons and Stars!
3-3 Planets!
3-4 Astronauts in Space
3-5 Asteroids!
3-6 A Hotel for Astronauts 

Answer these questions in your comment:

1) What springs to mind when you hear the term ‘solar system’?
2) What is your place in the solar system?
3) What is the best place in the solar system?
4) Do you know how our solar system got here?
5) How different do you think other solar systems are?
6) What do you think is beyond our solar system?
7) How is the Earth unique in our solar system?
8) Would you like to go for a tour of the solar system? Where would you like to go?
9) Do you think life exists on other solar systems?

Homework (5a)
Places: Buildings
apartment (building)
department store
sports centre
swimming pool
police station
grocery store
post office
railway station

Friday, February 13, 2015


 Bring your projects  on Wednesday/Friday!


3-1 What is Space?
3-2 What are Moons and Stars?
3-3 What is a Planet?
3-4 What is an Astronaut?
3-5 What is an Asteroid?
3-6 What is the Space Station?

5 a!

On Monday------>spelling test!!))

 beef - говядина
berry  - ягода
biscuit - печенье
bread - хлеб
butter  - масло
cake  - кекс, пирог, пирожное
candy  - конфета, леденец
cheese  - сыр
chicken  - курица
chicken - цыпленок
chocolate  -шоколад
coffee - кофе
duck  - утка
egg  - яйцо
fish  - рыба
ham  - ветчина
honey  - мед
ice cream  - мороженое
jam  - джем, варенье
juice  - сок
kebab [kıʹbæb] - Шашлык
kefir ['kefə] - кефир
ketchup  - кетчуп
macaroni, pasta, spaghetti [‚mækə'rəʋnɪ], ['pæstə],[spə'getɪ] - макароны
meat  - мясо
milk - молоко
mushroom  - гриб 

mustard  - горчица
mutton  - баранина
nut  - орех
oil  - растительное масло
pancakes  - блины
pepper  - перец
pizza  - пицца
pork  - свинина
porridge(овсянка) cereal  - каша
rice  - рис
salad  - салат
salt  - соль
sandwich  - бутерброд
sausage  - колбаса
soup  - суп
sugar  - сахар
sweets  - сладости
tea - чай
turkey  - индюшка
veal  - телятина
water  - вода
yoghurt  - йогурт

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Homework for Wednesday5-b and Friday 5-a

Watch this video about the planets in our Solar System!
Write 10 sentences about your favourite Planet or some interesting facts about the Space in your comments!
Draw a picture of any planet for Wednesday(Friday) and be ready to tell your classmates about it!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Homework for Monday 5 A(my group)

Learn the words(Spelling Test):

  1. area
  2. beach
  3. campsite
  4. canal
  5. farm
  6. field 
  7. forest
  8. hill
  9. island
  10. lake
  11. pond
  12. river
  13. mountain
  14. path
  15. railway
  16. rainforest
  17. river
  18. sea
  19. sky
  20. village
  21. wood
We are going to discuss these videos on Monday!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Watch the video and answer these questions in your NOTEBOOKS:

1. What drink does Bonnie offer her guests?

2. What questions does Woody have for the other toys when Bonnies goes to the bathroom?

3. What is the secret ingredient in Bonnie’s burger?

4. What does Woody notice he has lost?

5. What does Bonnie put the toys into?

6. What does Bonnie call Woody because he saved everyone?

Listening(share with me)

2-1 Playing Checkers
2-2 Playing Hopscotch