Friday, February 20, 2015

Test!(on Wednesday and Friday)


3-1 What is Space?
3-2 What are Moons and Stars?
3-3 What is a Planet?
3-4 What is an Astronaut?
3-5 What is an Asteroid?
3-6 What is the Space Station?


3-1 All About Space
3-2 Moons and Stars!
3-3 Planets!
3-4 Astronauts in Space
3-5 Asteroids!
3-6 A Hotel for Astronauts 

Answer these questions in your comment:

1) What springs to mind when you hear the term ‘solar system’?
2) What is your place in the solar system?
3) What is the best place in the solar system?
4) Do you know how our solar system got here?
5) How different do you think other solar systems are?
6) What do you think is beyond our solar system?
7) How is the Earth unique in our solar system?
8) Would you like to go for a tour of the solar system? Where would you like to go?
9) Do you think life exists on other solar systems?

Homework (5a)
Places: Buildings
apartment (building)
department store
sports centre
swimming pool
police station
grocery store
post office
railway station


  1. First things that spring to my mind are stars, darkness and weightlessness.
    Our place in the solar system is planet Earth.
    I think the best place in the solar system is planet Earth.
    My variant is it was a BIG explosion and some atoms formed solar system.
    I think they are big, small and have no planets or a lot of planets.
    There are stars,systems and maybe planets.
    Earth is the only planet with life, and with air.
    No, I wouldn't like. Because at first I would like to learn more about Earth.
    I don’t think so.

  2. 1.The first things that come to me, planets and satellites of the sun.
    3.I think that the Earth.
    4.I think that the two planets collided and there was a big explosion and the planet became ablomkov.
    5.I think they're great.
    6.Can be populated by other creatures.
    7.because in it there is life and water.
    8.No, I want to be on the ground.
    9.I think that yes.

  3. 1) First things that spring to my mind are planets and sun.
    2) Our place in the solar system is Earth.
    3) Earth.
    4) There are many variants.
    5) For example location.
    6) For example Andromeda nebula.
    7) We can live only on Earth.
    8) Yes, I would like to go to Jupiter.
    9) I can`t assume.

  4. Where is the homework for 25.02.15?

  5. 1.First things that spring to my mind are starts, darkness and weightlessness.
    2.It is Earth
    4.there are many variants
    5.They are big and very small(smaller then Mercury) planet
    6.populated by other creatures
    7.On Earth is air
    8.I want to go to Saturn
    9.I don't think so

  6. 1.I'm hope it!
    2.Very small dot.
    3.I think it is Earth.
    4.I dont know...
    5.It haven't live on it.
    6.I think it is space and other systems.
    7.It have live on it.
    8.I think on uranium.
    9.I can't say, I dont know...//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////^_^ :-)!!!

  7. 1. I think about sun and other planets .
    2. My place is in Earth .
    3. The best place in the solar system is in the Earth .
    4. The solar system got from fog .
    5. The planets of solar system are differents . They have got different sizes ,colours and different place in the solar system .
    6. There're planet systems ,fogs and stars .
    7. There's life on the Earth .
    8. Yes ,I'd like . I'd like to go to Mars .
    9. Maybe, yes .

  8. 1) I think the sun, planets, stars, and any other ...
    2) My place is at home.
    3) The best place in the solar system is in bed and under the covers!
    4) No, I don`t know.
    5) Is there any other?
    6) Nothing. Only stars.
    7) It has gravity, atmosphere and life is possible.
    8) No, wouldn`t
    9) If other races do not need air, then probably yes.

  9. Its our space sistem. THE EARTH. My house. No I dont know. We are not alone? The big space. On the Earth live people. Maybe on Mars. I cant say.

  10. The first things that spring into my mind are planets and stars.
    Our place in solar system is Earth.
    I think it is Mars.
    There are many variants but the most popular is big explosion.
    I think other solar systems are very different
    I think there is darkness.
    The Earth is unique because this planet has life.
    Yes, I would like to visit Mars.
    I think yes because we are not alone.

  11. I think are planets and cometas
    Our place is Еarth
    My favourite place in solar system
    I dont know
    I think only our solar system has planet, where live people
    I think there are stars
    I think every planet is unique. Of course our planet is unique , because she has a life
    I want to visit Neptyn, because this planet very beautiful outside
    I think no

  12. 3. My favourite place in solar system are Neptyn and Earth

  13. 1.These are planets that orbit the Sun.
    2.My place in the solar system is on the planet Earth.
    3.My room equipped with many toys is the best place in the solar system.
    4.God created the Heavens and the Earth.
    5.I suppose there could be bigger solar systems outside.
    6.I am not sure if there are humans out there.
    7.It is unique because I live here now!).
    8.I would like to go everywhere but I am afraid of black holes((((.
    9.I am not sure about that!
