Saturday, January 17, 2015

Homework for 21/01/2015

 Write a comment (10 sentences)about the animal of the north polar region!

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  1. Bald eagle is one of the animals that live in Arktika.The plumage of an adult bald eagle is evenly dark brown with a white head and tail. The bald eagle has a body length of 70–102 cm. When they are old enough to breed, they often return to the area where they were born.The average age of bald eagles in the wild is around 20 years, with the oldest confirmed one having been 28 years of age. Bald eagle is one of the biggest birds of prey of North America. Wingspan of bald eagle is 180-230 cm. It’s weight is 3-6 kg. Beak of adult bird is yellow. At the age of 3-5 years, the head is almost completely white except for dark spots under eyes.

  2. The Arctic Wolf. It also called the Polar Wolf or White Wolf. It is an animal of the far north. It lives its whole life above the northern tree line. In the Arctic tundra, roaming across North America and Greenland but not extending into mainland Europe or Asia.
    It is a subspecies of the grey wolf and is the least threatened of all grey wolf and its subspecies populations. They live in isolated regions that rarely bring them into contact with man.
    They survive in some of the coldest places on earth. They have a number of anatomical, behavioral. Physiological adaptations that allow them to do this successfully.
    The coat of the arctic wolf is always thick and highly insulating.

  3. The Arctic Wolf is an animal of the far north. It lives its whole life above the northern tree line in the Arctic tundra, roaming across North America and Greenland but not extending into mainland Europe or Asia.
    It is a subspecies of the grey wolf and is the least threatened of all grey wolf and its subspecies populations as they live in isolated regions that rarely bring them into contact with man.
    They survive in some of the coldest places on earth, they have a number of anatomical, behavioural and physiological adaptations that allow them to do this successfully.
    They weigh from 32 kg to 70 kg and their height is from 100 cm to 180 cm long.


  4. The ermine is found all over Canada, northern USA, and Eurasia. The Ermine lives in northern biomes such as taigas and tundras. The Siberian tundra is a vast land that is almost completely dark during the winter season because of its far north location. Also, the climate in winter is extremely cold. In fact, the Siberian Tundra is the coldest biome in the world. In the summer the Siberian tundra has many bogs and puddles scattered around the land because permafrost won't let the winter snow drain off. It is during the summer that most of the animals come out.

  5. Polar bear- this is a very large predator. He dwells on the polar extreme, lives on the ice where to hunt for prey. He eats fresh fishes and seals. The polar bear is big but he is very fast and agile. He is easily in water swims and dives. The thick wool protects it from the cold and ice water. Bear is very dangerous to people, he can attack and kill. Arctic inhabitants bear hunting because of wool and meat. In the winter he sleeps, and in the spring to be strong and invincible! For me the bear is a symbol of strength and agility.

  6. The Atlantic puffin has a black crown and back, pale grey cheek patches and white underparts. Its broad, boldly marked red and black beak and orange legs contrast with its plumage. It moults while at sea in the winter and some of the bright-coloured facial characteristics are lost. The external appearance of the adult male and female are identical except that the male is usually slightly larger. The juvenile has similar plumage but its cheek patches are dark grey. The juvenile does not have brightly coloured head ornamentation, its bill is less broad and is dark-grey with a yellowish-brown tip, and its legs and feet are also dark. Puffins from northern populations are typically larger than their counterparts in southern parts of the range. It is generally considered that these populations are different subspecies.

    The Atlantic puffin spends the autumn and winter in the open ocean of the cold northern seas and returns to coastal areas at the start of the breeding season in late spring. It nests in clifftop colonies, digging a burrow in which a single white egg is laid. The chick mostly feeds on whole fish and grows rapidly. After about six weeks it is fully fledged and makes its way at night to the sea. It swims away from the shore and does not return to land for several years.

  7. There are more Adelie penguins than any other penguin species. They live in the deep south and as such frequently have to cross many kilometers of ice still bound to the continent or islands to reach land in the spring where they can build their nests. Sometimes they have to travel as much as 100 kilometers, though usually 20-40 is more usual. A long walk nevertheless.

    This pair were early arrivals in spring at an Antarctic Island near the northern edge of their breeding range and only had about half a kilometer to waddle and "toboggan". Despite appearances, they are most probably not a mated pair but two males who just happen to be travelling together for the time being, the females arrive a little later on.

    Tobogganing is a way of getting around where there is smooth snow or ice. The penguin lies on its stomach and propels itself along using its feet, an efficient use of energy and one where the penguin can easily keep up with a running man.

  8. The Arctic Fox is an animal of the far north. It lives its whole life above the northern tree line in the Arctic tundra, it has found its way to most Arctic islands and is the only mammal native to Iceland. It may be found on the sea-ice in winter as it extends its foraging range.

    The southern limit of the arctic fox is partially dictated by the presence of red foxes which out-compete arctic foxes in areas where tundra turns to shrubs and trees.

    They survive in some of the coldest places on earth which is no mean feat for such a relatively small animal, they have a number of anatomical, behavioural and physiological adaptations that allow them to do this successfully.

  9. The hooded seal is a large only in the central North Atlantic.Adult males are 2.6 meters long and weigh 300-410 kg.From birth smaller long 2.03 meters and weighing 145-300 kg.Pups are about 1 miter 24kg.
    The color is silvery, the body is dark.They eat squid,starfish and mussels.They live in Arctic Ocean and in North Atlantic.They dived from 5-25 minute.
    They live about 30-35 years.From January 1997-December 1999 a total of 84 recorded.

  10. Arctik wolf is a polar region animal. Polar bear too. And arctic fox. And penguin. All of them, except the penguins, mammals. Penguins is a birds. They lay eggs. This beautiful birds can't fly. Color penguins - black and white, and the other animals completely white. Penguins eat fish, and bears, foxes and wolfs eat meat.

  11. Right whales are large baleen whales. Females are larger than males.

    Distinguishing features include a stocky body, black coloration (although some have white patches on their bellies), no dorsal fin, a large head (about 1/4 of the body length), strongly bowed lower lip, and callosities (raised patches of roughened skin) on their head. Two rows of long--up to 8 feet (2.4 m)--dark baleen plates hang from their upper jaw, with about 225 plates on each side. Their tail is broad, deeply notched, and all black with a smooth trailing edge.

  12. I will tell you about polar bear.Adult males weigh 350 to 700kg , adult females weigh about half this weight. Their length is - 2.2 - 2.5m long including a very short tail of 7.5 - 12.5 cm .The polar bears live mainly within the Arctic Circle. There are 19 recognised sub-population.Polar bears eat a very high fat diet . They eat the blubber of the seals that they catch .Other animals could simply not survive if they ate so much fat in their diet.
    Polar Bears along with penguins are the archetypal polar animals associated with snow, ice and cold temperatures. But polar bears and penguins never meet.Polar bears live in the Arctic around the North pole and penguins live in the Antarctic around the South pole.

  13. I want to tell you about the arctic fox. Its body is 75 cm. It hunts on what other animals have aready hunted for. Their favorite food is seal's meat. The father fox is the most important member of the family.If he dies, the family can not hunt anymore.Then all of the cubs can die too.Arctic fox is a very beautiful animal.I think some most expensive fur coats are made of it.But let be kind to them as they are so cute

  14. Penguins live on the South Pole. There are from 18 to 20 known species of penguins. Penguins are birds that can't fly, but they are very good swimmers. Some people say that penguins fly in water. Highly adapted for life in the water, penguins have dark and white plumage, and their wings have evolved into flippers. Most penguins feed on krill, fish, squid and other forms of sea life caught while swimming underwater. They spend about half of their lives on land and half in the oceans.
    Penguins live in big packs and usually nurture their baby penguins together. Most penguins lay two eggs in a clutch. Their natural enemies are sea lions, leopard seals, seals, orca whales and sharks.

  15. Have you ever been in north pole?
    I think,you haven't!
    In the North Pole human can't live.
    At North Pole there is low temprecha ,but at North Pole it is many animals.
    The area of Antarctica is 13.829.438 km.
    Only animals with VERY WARM FUR can leave here.

  16. Whales are huge .but elusive and difficult to see which adds to their mystery and faschination .they are higly intelligent animals with an elaborate social life ,no possesssions and the complete freedom of movement in three dimensions .Is it any wonder that they are such popular and fascinating animals.-maybe we just want to be like them.Whales belong to the group along with dolphins and porpoises .Whales ara mammals as are humans,dogs,cats,elephants and anguantibos amongst others.This means that they are not fish.They breath air and so must return to the surface at regular intervals to get a breath .They give birth to live young that stay with the mother for over a year and feed on milk produced by the mother.

  17. Polar bear - one of the largest land mammals of the order of representatives of prey. Typically, males weigh 400-450 kg, body length of 200-250 cm, height at the withers to 130-150 cm. Females are much smaller (200-300 kg). Very thick, dense coat protects the body from cold and bear soaking in ice water. An important adaptive role thick layer of subcutaneous fat to 10 cm thick. The record was recorded bear swim 685 km.

  18. I want to tell you about arctic fox.We can meetarctic fox at the arctic rigions Russia Gerland Canada Alaska.It is mammal. It's size is smole weightis frome3,5gk to 9gk.Arctic fox eats smole mammals birds, theirceggs,and filed of big animals.There fur of arctic fox is warmest of the arctigmammals

  19. Penguins are my favorite polar animals! Penguins eat different fish.Penguins drink sea water. Penguins are very good swimmers and predators is difficult to get them.Predator for penguins is a leopard seal.Penguins are very smart. Penguins love to swim and dive. Penguins are very curious birds.Penguins like to stick pack.They are not afraid of people.

  20. On the ground, however, their feathers are a very important function in maintaining them warm. Penguin feathers are not as large flat feathers that are flying birds, they are short with a sub-layer of fine woolly down. Penguin feathers are also very good to shed water when the bird comes out of the sea. They overlap each other and give a good streamlined effect and excellent water shedding ability of the wind, when on the ground. When it gets really cold, penguins can inflate their feathers to catch more air for even better insulation. When it gets too hot (for example, as high as the freezing point, even!), They fluff their feathers all the more so in the trap warm air can escape and turn the penguin to cool off.
